Thursday, 31 May 2007


Oh dear, it's the evil spiders from Metebelis 3!

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Look who's here

As you can see, we have captured a vist from our favourite timelord. We think he is here on an important asignment. He is being as evasive as ever so we have not managed to wheedle the secrets of the stones out of him as yet. I wonder what the threat to the earth is this time?

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Wot no axes

Stone no. 4 goes in, completing another trilithon. This particular stone was one of those discovered in 1953 to have been decorated with Mycenaean-style axe designs, I've had a good look at the cardboard version but can't see any axe decorations on it... Ah well. It's the fifth vertical stone from the left in this panoramic photo.

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Stone no. 8

Stone no. 8 has joined its companions on the outer circle. This one seemed particularly tricky for some reason and I have had to use masses of Copydex. Copydex is great stuff - it dries a translucent grey stoney colour, so it can be used like Polyfilla to hide any gaps in the cardboard joins.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Dowsing the cardboard

It's a beautifully sunny day here, so there's only time to make a small stone, very quickly, and stick it down. Here you can see Legoman dowse the site for water to quench his thirst.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Heave ho! Heave ho!

Stone no 3 is dragged all the way from the Welsh cardboard mountains to the outer circle.

Friday, 18 May 2007

Closer to the stones

For me, this lunchtime project is very rewarding. It is a pleasant contrast to work with the hands and make a physical object instead of doing virtual work on a computer screen. Concentrating on making one stone at a time takes me far away from the frantic office environment in which I am trying to do ten things at once. Having never been to Stonehenge, I find it is a great way to familiarise myself with the monument. Also, I feel I am closer to the stones than you can actually be when you visit the site. All in all, it's a intimate and tactile experience, spiritually refreshing, and a great pastime when it is raining outside.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Fingertip work

Stones 10 and 12 safely go in. This shot of Soo's fingers shows how fiddly the stones can be:

The model so far ...

OK we've started this blog a little late - we've already made 17 stones. So this is how the model looks so far. We're well impressed with the quality of the cardboard cut-outs, they actually look stone shaped rather than box shaped, full of curves and hollows and things.

Sunday, 13 May 2007

The raw material

Here's what we're making it from - the cardboard stonehenge kit made by Brian and Lizzie Sanders of sanders-art.

Alan bought it in April from the gift shop at Stonehenge itself, when he was on holiday in Wiltshire with his family. Even in the packet it looks great. OK, it doesn't seem to have the Heel Stone, which is a pity, and it doesn't say what scale it is, so we don't know if the Lego men will be to scale or not. And these little things matter, don't they? But we've started to make it anyway.

And so it begins

We work in a British archives service - running databases, creating digital photographs of historical documents, all that sort of thing. But we need a break from staring at computers all day, so in our lunch break we are building Stonehenge. Out of cardboard.

When it's all done, we'll fill it with Lego druids and align it with the sun!